Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Don't be afraid.

Have you ever made a decision that you didn't like?

Have you ever felt situations force you to take a certain route?
Have you ever felt like forget emotions, I must make this decision to get to what I want?

The problem with having a strong personality and a presence is that you can't accept being walked on. You can't accept others leading and you following. You were not brought up to be bossed around, but you are brought up to make decisions for yourself, make your own plans for the future, and take responsibility for your own actions.

Make a rational decision. If those around you are also rational than they will take on your decision, if they loved and cared about you then they will listen to what you want. If they didn't then be sure you made the right choice by being rational. Because only when you make such decisions will you know if those around you really care or not.

I admire those who stand up for what they want.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Life. Wounds. And everything in between

My dearest reader,

Life is beautiful. Google image. 
It is true when they say the years are passing swiftly, and it is all days of our lives that is gushing in front of our eyes. It is true every year you have a birthday it is not just a number going up, it is not just a celebration of that lucky day when you came into the world, my dearest reader it is much more... much much more. 

For me, recently I have learned every year, everyday, every week and every hour we become wiser. Every experience and every encounter that may happen adds to our personalities. Of course, you would be naive to think all these experiences are happiness, joy and great success. No, my dearest, most of these experiences are the exact opposite. 

I did not realize, but I have come to embrace every experience and see the positive side of everything (seems like reading all those Coelho posts and books is actually having an impact) sometimes in life you need to reach a point where you can laugh at what puts you down, where that gush of wind hits you hard and you fall badly on your knees-- and you get injured too-- but you manage to stand up, keep walking, crawling or running while healing that wound of yours. 

So, if you feel like you've got a wound stand up right now. Don't run, crawl if you have to, but move forward and heal that wound YOURSELF. 

Have a great day

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

One simple question.

To the dearest two reading this + AS.

A close friend of mine, who I believe is going to be the next big philosopher whose books will be read and studied by our grandchildren, sent me a random message on the BlackBerry two nights back which read exactly this: Sazzz have you ever asked yourself why do we love the people we love? With lots of stress, some misery of my own and piles of papers, and files on my bed and a laptop trying to finish off something I was working on this question came at the wrong timing. So, I am going to reply to her here. 

I believe in many of our preferences in life we have underlying reasons. However, when it comes to love I think it is a different matter. 

[I just wrote a loooooong essay response to this, then highlighted it all and pressed BACK SPACE on the keyboard] A.S let me give you one simple quote: "Love is a serious mental disease."  Hope this answers your question. 

Saturday, 8 December 2012

23 and 2 days


Two options, A) you either love me for writing a very short entry two days back, or B) You are upset that I didn't express enough.... if you chose option A then I am afraid this entry is not for you. Because I have a lot to say. And I am going to say it all.

Now that all the birthday celebrations from family, relatives, friends and colleagues are done I want to take a few minutes to look back at my year; 22 was a special year for me, I finished my MA and made one of my dreams come true. At 22 I found some very close people in my life, that have become some of the most special individuals. In the past year I lost one of my uncles and it brought a dark cloud to our family, although with that sadness I also witnessed many happy moments with my family and friends. Including the marriage of two of my best friends, the birth of two beautiful children (even though they are so far away from me), the graduation of my favourite cousins, and I managed to visit UK, Iran and Egypt.

When I was a young girl, full of hopes, dreams and ambitions -- I would like to think that I am still full of that positive energy-- I always wished for my age to stop at 21. I imagined 21 to be the perfect age. Of course, now I know that there is no such thing as a perfect age, reality is very different. I left 21, soon I left 22 and now 23.... the years are passing by like blowing wind. Today, as I write to you, I don't want the years to stop. I don't want to freeze in time and  I don't want to stop growing. Every year there is an experience that gives a life lesson, every year brings winds, storms as well as sunshine and rainbows.

When I am 23 there are a few goals that  I have set myself, above all I want to begin my PhD, although I am aware for reasons beyond my control this may not happen until another few years; if not, then I would like to work on my second book. I have a feeling 23 is going to be special and unique in its own way. I am also going to be aunty to the children of two of my closest friends, a baby boy due in May and a baby girl due in April 2013. I guess having a 23 year-old aunty is going to be super cool - yes? no? Of course yes!

 23 might be a turning point in my life....

Saza - getting old (joking!)

Thursday, 6 December 2012


To my two favorite blog readers in the world,

Today, at 9:21 a.m. I turned 23.
I can't go through every thing that happened during the past two days as part of my birthday. A few very special things happened besides blowing candles on more than one birthday cake and receiving gifts.  But what was more special is that I got a poem written to me by a friend, a plane ticket from a loved one saying that they will be returning home soon ....

I am going to go to bed and re-write this post tomorrow morning.

Saza - exhausted! 

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Happy moments

In Cairo, felt like I was walking in my history book
To my dearests, I actually think there is two of you who almost always read and there is my pen pal in India who passes by when she has time

Any how...
Have you ever asked yourself "am I happy?" Do you realize how sometimes we bring upon ourselves stress and sadness when we can easily avoid it. In my recent trip to Cairo I got the chance to go and sit by the Nile under the moon, the following day I visited the Pyramids. While there are many things in Egypt that I can criticize I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed my time.

I loved talking to people, asking questions, and discovering the culture.  I loved going places and having new experiences, no stress, no worries, just listening, observing, discovering. Could that have been pure happiness? Then again at the back of my mind I was always thinking of people, I felt something was missing, I wanted certain people to be with me and enjoy the moments I was enjoying. 

Happiness, my dear friend is what we make it to be. For me, happiness is not the ideal way of life, but a feeling that you can bring to yourself. A point where your mind and heart are at ease. 

I doubt many things, but there is one thing I know for sure: happiness is not and will never be materialistic based.