Tuesday 4 June 2013

Men with Stars

Helloooo Ellloooo...

My dearest, sweetest reader...

Before I have a quick shower and make my way to bed (did I mention it's 8:28 pm? No I didn't. And I probably shouldn't but yup like a chicken I sleep before the clock strikes 9) I have decided to recap my day for you.

I was a little anxious last night as I was preparing an Edward De Bono training for the security staff of our International Airport. These are police and individuals with a military background: Twice my size, some almost three times my age. Even though I enjoy training A LOT, before any training there are always cells in my brain sending signals of nervousness to the rest of my body (I'm not sure if that made any sense to you, but I hope you get my point: I always thought no matter how confident you are about the content of your training, a lot is determined by your trainees). Any howwwww

We turn up in the morning (with the amazing S.B., L.G., and S.R.) and one by one the participants of our training for the rest of the week come in through the door; Men in green uniform, men in blue uniform, men with green uniform and stars on their shoulders and then men in blue uniforms, also with stars on their shoulders. Finally two women walk in. One of them also had a few stars on her shoulders. She looked amazing and very confident.

Sooooooooooo, I won't blab any further.

-- fast forward -- 

S.R. asks them to introduce themselves, one man says he was a Peshmerga for 32 years. At that point I gulp, having second thoughts about the program in my section of the training. 

I did my part of the training and observed all the other sessions too. I came to the conclusion that everyone has a child within them. Everyone, no matter how serious their job requires them to be or at whatever ranking they're in they are ready to learn. I realized those who are often tough and rough with us may have a softer side than you and I. It is all about the atmosphere that we create for ourselves, it is all about the feelings that we are surrounded by, because that determines how we act with people. 

A rewarding experience indeed.

More to come tomorrow

Love Saza - Shaw Shad!* 

*Good night. 


  1. Haha! It sounds like you're having lots of fun Saz.
    I've always been told that nervousness before doing something is a good thing in small doses as it gets your adrenaline flowing and helps you to do the best job you can.

    It is definitely my experience that everyone who is confident in themselves can and will let their inner child out sometimes and let themselves be a bit loose and a bit silly.

    If you can successfully help improve the customer service at Erbil airport, maybe you should offer to do some training sessions for the banks as well!

  2. I found a quote that kind of illustrates this point, from Jim Henson
