Saturday, 24 February 2024

Well, Hello?


Hello Hello Hello. 

I found this blog and I just came to update that around 12 years ago when I started writing this, usually in lonely dormintory nights far from all my loved ones in a different country and world... I knew I had lots of dreams. I came to tell you that the little dream I refered to on this blog about my PhD, well, it happened. I graduated over a year ago from the University of Southern Queensland, in Australia, with a PhD in Education, I focussed on building capacities of youth, mostly in humanitarian settings, post conflict. I couldn't feel prouder. 

I thought I would let you know, because if you, reading this have a dream and wake-up everyday doing a little bit, just moving half a step forward, a decade later you will look back and you will have come so far. 

Sending you so much love and remember dreams to come true (when you turn them into goals).
